When going to the store for new wallpapers, customers always start from such selection criteria as design, thickness, material, price, and practicality. Wallpaper refers to the type of wall covering that is regularly updated based on the degree of wear and tear, as well as under the influence of a change in taste or mood of the owners..
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Wallpaper manufacturers all over the world strive to create more and more interesting types of wallpaper in an effort to attract buyers. And if we take into account that the most important trend around the world is the desire to make housing more environmentally friendly, natural, which has a positive effect on human health, then we can say that the appearance of wallpapers that are able to purify the air inside the room was quite natural.
The invention of air-purifying wallpaper belongs to German scientists. They proposed a special material, which is a coating of absorbents that absorb all foreign matter from the air, dust, fumes, smoke, odors, and so on. Air circulation is continuous. Air with foreign particles passes through the surface of the wallpaper and comes out back, but already cleaned of impurities.